I really can’t tell if they are trolling at this point or they are just that cucked.

Remember when the English conquered much of the world and the sun never set on her empire? When the British military was feared by all? When they weren’t complete fucking pussies?
I am not joking when I say that the U.S. should have stayed home last century, if this is what “saving” England from Germany looks like then maybe the alternative wouldn’t have been so bad.
The ratio on that tweet is horrendous. 16,000 replies and all that I saw were mocking this faggot.

Most folks have no idea why WWI and WWII were actually fought. I espouse Gen Patton’s view that we fought the wrong enemy in WWII and should have beat the joos back to Moscow.
Hah! I quoted Patton to a German colleague the other day. He had no idea who Patton was at first. Never heard of the satanically spiteful Henry Morgenthau, Jr either. The name of FDR vaguely rang a bell. Anyway, we were eating lunch. When he understood who Patton was, and what I was talking about he started looking nervous. By the time I got to “the leading Bolsheviks were not Russian” the poor fellow started literally twitching and his eyes were doing that rapidly swiveling from one side to the other thing — like you see in a trapped animal. Stuffed the rest of his sandwich in his mouth, got up, and scooted out of there.
As to “back to Moscow” yeah, I get it. But then I think, what did the Muscovites ever do to me for them to deserve that fate?
Good point.
I strongly recommend reading SUPERMOB by Russo.
The singular reason for World War The Second?
Greed by the [group we cannot criticize]:
.. they craved farms, warehouses, and businesses owned by Americans (of Japanese heritage).
.. they lusted after union pensions
.. they manipulated a percentage off the top of every truck, every rifle, all the disposable goods required to destroy Northern Europeans of all ages and our Heritage…
… etcetera etcetera etcetera.
Research indicates they cleared a hundred and fifty billion with a ‘B’ American tax-dollars… during the 1940s.
2025 equivalent would be several trillion with a ‘T’ fedbux.
The lives they destroyed were a secondary benefit.
That tax-free bundle is in addition to the approximately two trillion American tax-dollars donated to ‘Isreal’ since the 1940s.
A decades-long scam on such a global scale?
I see zero evidence the [‘chosed’] are capable of something that intricate.
In my experience, the [group we cannot criticize] are xenophobic inbreds, autistic, genetically engineered to be terrorfied of everything from germs! to solar! flairs!, focused on Security! and Safety! and ‘Laws’.
And terrorfied of the aforementioned ‘xeno’.
The British Caliphate won’t let it apply to muslims though.
I fear the UK is already lost. Citizenship having been granted too easily, no attempt to stem the years-long flood of Channel-crossing ‘migrants,’ too-generous welfare benefits along with punitive taxation of the more productive, the decades-long degradation of public education, working class self-reliance and family unity, and the list goes on… The fact that the most popular boy’s name every year for newborns is Muhammed, and has been for quite some time, tells you which group is mainly driving demographics.
Where the alarm bells should be ringing is Ireland.
Enoc Powell was right.
My husband has a t shirt that says exactly that. No one has ever reacted to it – other than to ask “Who was Enoch Powell?”
Heh. I have a t-shirt with a design that says “Pinochet’s Helicopter Tours”. Gets some pretty clueless reactions. Only once have I had a random guy who “got it” (and agreed wholeheartedly) comment on it to me.
And yeah, the U.K. is so far past proper fucked it couldn’t even find it’s way back to shit outta luck with the Millennium Falcon retrofitted with a Flux Capacitor.
The powers behind this trend are anything but pussies.
Their underlings may be pussified by design but make no mistake, when the time comes to hammer some group (us) into extinction they will have no problems cranking up the medieval.
Exactly. Pig Walrus gets it. We can have fun laughing about “antifa soy boys” but always remember that the people truly behind this are utterly fucking ruthless. They did not hesitate to murder tens of millions of Slavs, and bear moral responsibility for the murder of similar numbers of Chinese, and proportionally even larger percentages of other populations. (Some of y’all might be thinking, “dead Chinks and dead Cambodians, good”. Maybe so. But deal with the worst threat first. Hell, USE the other groups to deal with the threat: It’s smart tactics for sure, and probably not bad strategy either.)
Indeed, Pig Walrus does get and I’m glad I’m the oldest of brethren with his tribe. He floated the term normie several years back with links to Art and some other good dissident blogs.
Exactly. A friend of mine is a deputy with the local sheriffs office and back during the run up to the summer of floyd, he showed me intel a few of their guys had come across. It was around ten of these soy boys on a firing line shooting their AK’s at targets. They weren’t the issue, the issue was the guy instructing them on how to close up their groups. He was wearing a non-descript baseball cap, blue jeans, shoes, no watch, ring, or other jewelry and he kept his face turned away from the camera. That is the guy you need to grab and have a quiet chat with in private. Someone is funding him, he got his experience from somewhere and he knows names and plans. A perfect example of this is a guy named Stan Goff. Former Special Forces, former Delta and in 2011, I believe it was, went over to the dark side. God only knows what he has passed along to these vermin.
When these shit kick off again, be sure you have the high ground and roof tops so you can pot the scum before they can do anything frisky.
“John Brown Gun Clubs” are one of the most visible training organizations the leftists are using. A few years ago, my group identified a former Green Beret who was visiting some of these clubs (including our local one) and providing basic and advanced training. He was also on site at the Keystone pipeline protests. He maintained pretty good opsec on social media but sadly he didn’t appear to have any control over what his girlfriend posted.
Just because you see soyboys larping with airsoft gear and poorly set up weapons, do not assume there aren’t some highly trained and skilled opponents out there.
Have you trained this week? This month?
The actual problem here is that the feral niggers and muslim shit are a protected species, kind of like they are over there. Because of this, and a mostly disarmed general population, the government feel they can institute yet another ban on something trivial which 95% of the population wouldn’t recognise if it dropped on their foot ( for those not in the know, a ninja sword is a katana with a straight blade). Its not a Trump we need over here, its a Vlad Putin, accompanied by about a quarter mil Mk 2 Sten guns, extra mags and loads of ammo, it really is time for the Glorious Day to come!
Firearms. Then ninja swords. Then hatchets. Then kitchen knives. Then picaroons. Then home made knives. Then tire irons. Then baseball/cricket (what the…?) bats. Then golf clubs. Then shovels. Then hoes. Meanwhile the problem remains ever the same.
You forgot narwhal tusks.
I remember all the fucked-up stuff.
Yeah, ya do. Haha. I forgot the narwhal tusks, but I did remember picaroons.
We found out the state of the UK when George Farmer (Candace Owens husband) became a US citizen. Anyone who can escape, now is the time to go. Or bend a knee to that pedofile, Allah. Sad, I always wanted to visit Britain and see the history. But they are busy wiping out their past glories anyway, so what’s the point? France and Germany are not far behind. I am hoping that there is enough Roman blood left that Italy can be victorious over the vermin.
Always remove the weapons, not the groups using them. 🙄. Yeah that will work. What’s not so great Britain going to do when those groups use rocks, ban all rocks and stones from the country?
I didn’t save the Link, but saw an article about how someone in (lesser) Britain was Arrested for carrying a “Zelda” Sword; a Plastic Toy from a Video Game. Unless the IRA goes back into Action again, they are Doomed.
The British should escape while they still can.